Battery Testing with Batteroo

We here at Batteroo care a lot that our product performs to the ability we know it is capable of. That is why we have a dedicated team whose job it is to test our Batteroos’ performance in as many scenarios and situations as we can think of! Here on our website we have our videos available to you for your enjoyment and so you can see for yourself what Batteroo can do!

We have already done multiple different scenarios that we have made available to you, almost any scenario you can think of we have done something like it or it is currently in the works. For example, we have shown how we can put a Batteroo on a dead battery, and the Batteroo will revive the battery and restore the device, keeping it working long after a Batteroo-less battery life would have you believe possible. We have also done side-by-side testing where we have two identical devices, one outfitted with Batteroo sleeves and the other using regular batteries, and our tests show how Batteroo equipped device will improve both the battery life and its performance.

Not only do we do our own testing, but we get so much feedback from our lovely customers who are testing the product themselves! We get reports of devices lasting way longer than expected, people seeing their devices’ performance improve, and the surprise from people who have been able to restore their devices using Batteroos on their dead batteries! One woman was amazed to see her clock come back to life after using Batteroos to revive the clock’s dead batteries, and it has been ticking for at least a month and is still going! Another man was used to his TV remote being dead within days of putting in fresh batteries, but when used Batteroo on some of his dead batteries and those helped his remote last a whole month and a half longer! We have a testimonial section on our home page if you are interested in what customers of Batteroo have had to say!

Seen our videos and read our testimonials and still not convinced? Why not buy some Batteroos and see how amazing they work for yourself!